+43 6245 70500
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Technical system solutions for solid timber construction and dry construction in a perfect combination

The second edition of the Solid Timber Manual represents a detailed reference work for architects, planners, builders and executing workers, and for all who are generally interested in solid timber construction solutions. With new test results, the optimised online platforms and many other innovations, you are receiving the ideal support for solid timber construction with the products of binderholz and Saint-Gobain Rigips Austria. Based on the well-founded test results and comparisons, as well as comprehensive additional information, you are given the necessary know-how for modern timber construction of the future.

In this online tool, all assemblies and additional building physical details, as well as component nodes are available.

Helpful information for initial use:

  • Component tabs contain the respectively existing assemblies
  • Clicking on the title of the assembly or the arrow on the right shows further details
  • In the bottom area of the detail view, you can find a list of “available node details”
  • for all drawings of the respective nodes that are currently available.
  • Of course, all additional components can also be combined. These details are to be derived analogously according to the processing guidelines.

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact:

binderholz, construction systems, phone: +43 6245 70500

Rigips application technology, phone: +43 1 616 29 80-517

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